In the thriving Canadian tech scene, landing your dream job can be tricky business — made especially hard when the talent pool you’re swimming in is so rich in skills, qualifications and drive. Making an impact during your interview really is the key to success, so I want to offer meaningful insight on what tech […]
Thought Leadership
Closing The Gender Gap In IT, One Woman At A Time
When I started Terranova Security two decades ago, the number of women working in cyber security was low. When I attended industry events, you could count the number of female attendees on one hand. And, even though the cyber security space is more diverse than it’s ever been, women only make up less than a […]
How The Pandemic Has Underscored The Critical Importance Of Women In STEM
As countries around the world begin to ease restrictions and we begin to feel that sense of relief we’ve been so desperately waiting for, I can’t help but reflect on the remarkable leadership and selflessness shown by women over the past two years. From doctors and nurses to researchers, technologists, and policymakers, women have undoubtedly […]
How Intuit Is Changing The Meaning Of ‘Women In Tech’
I recall the exact moment that I realized what it meant to be a “woman in tech”. I had just started a new job, and during one of my very first leadership meeting we discussed, “what can we do to attract more women to our organization?” The question instantly threw me off. I have always considered myself […]
Turning the Table on Today’s Recruitment Strategies
For the tech community and beyond, the stakes for recruiting and retaining talent are higher than ever. Adding to this challenge, the rules of engagement have shifted in the competition for talent, whether seeking new graduates or seasoned candidates. The situation is especially complex in Canada, where employment rates are very low, and available talent […]
Culture is Queen, Part 3: Building Connection
Companies who have built great cultures are winning the battle for top talent. A great culture is not created by luck, or wins, or an HR person. It is the cumulative, human impact of how your leaders show up everyday – and if you believe that everyone is a leader to someone, that means we […]
Reskilling Employees a Priority in War for Talent
Famed poet Maya Angelou once said, “If you don’t know where you’ve come from, you don’t know where you’re going.” Her powerful words prove truer than ever today as we look back at the last two years. Throughout the pandemic, businesses have faced many challenges and fought an uphill battle on several fronts – including […]
Creating a Culture of Empowered Employees
Combatting the #GreatResignation with #WhyIStay The challenges facing Vancouver’s tech sector are many and amplified by the additional hurdles of working while raising healthy families when home is the office, and vice versa. There are silver linings, companies that are rising up to these challenges with agility, innovation and a greater deal of trust and […]
Attracting & Keeping Talent: Why Remote Work, Works
Scaling During A Remote Work Era: Why Agility, Trust and Flexibility Matter By now we’re used to headlines mulling over predictions as to what the future of work will look like. Some industries have weathered the COVID storm better than others. Some are inherently set up for leveraging technology and highly autonomous individuals to work […]
The “Right To Disconnect” Should Be About Trust
Right To Disconnect or Wrong As we kickstart the new year with new COVID-19 challenges, companies are now faced with transitioning back to remote working. Although working remotely has been a saving grace for many employers, the lines between work and home seem to have become even blurrier. As we collectively negotiate the borders between […]