Technovation recently announced the kick off of its 2023 season and global competition to build on its movement to reach and support 25 million girls and young women to become problem-solving technology leaders and entrepreneurs in the next 15 years. Technovation is introducing three new climate-focused units to empower youth to tackle issues of responsible […]
Thought Leadership
Teaching Digital Marketing Skills Will Fuel Entrepreneurs in Canada
The digital marketing field is growing rapidly—and for good reason. According to a recent Statistica report, 96.5% of Canada’s population is on the internet. Cell phones are no longer solely for calls and text messages. These devices are how we get our information. For entrepreneurs, this is good and bad all at once. Those who […]
Let’s Foster Inclusion by Unlocking the Potential of a Skilled Workforce
The race for tech talent is on, and it’s global. We’re seeing that tightening demographics, international mobility, and virtual work are fueling an already competitive battle to attract skilled tech workers. Canada seems well placed when it comes to talent acquisition, particularly in innovation. We have one of the most highly skilled and educated workforces […]
HYBRID OR BUST: The Shifting Power Dynamic Between Employees and Employers
In the decades leading up to the COVID-19 pandemic, remote work was limited to senior staff or was permitted only in extenuating circumstances. It was seen as the ultimate perk — and very few employees were offered it. Then, in the early days of the pandemic, an unexpected shift happened virtually overnight: employees were allowed — […]
4 Effective Ways Employers Can Boost Staff Morale
While January is the month of setting new goals and resolutions, it can also be quite a difficult time for many people. Whether they’re dealing with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), post-holiday blues, or burn out, it’s important for employers to do their part and create a healthy work environment. Companies with a strong positive morale […]
Old Habits Are Out of Place in the New World of Work
The last few months have been flooded with news of companies taking advantage of the shifting economy to mandate stricter policies around returning to the office. The latest examples of this are two highly influential organizations — Starbucks and Disney — with both CEOs citing a return to the office will increase collaboration and connection […]
Five Considerations When Building Your Co-Op Program
As 2023 creeps around the corner, businesses face one of their toughest challenges yet: recruiting skilled talent. A recent Canadian Survey of Business Conditions from Stats Canada found that recruiting skilled employees is expected to be an obstacle over the next three months. Labour shortages in the tech industry have been an ongoing challenge — […]
One Way To Save Money On Software Engineering
Almost every week we are hearing of North American companies laying off Software Developers in an attempt to save on operating costs. Netflix, Coinbase, Robinhood, Snapchat and more have all shed engineering jobs. If the Canadian market is closer to your heart – Hootsuite, Unbounce, Thinkific and Shopify are among some of the biggest tech […]
Canada’s Veterans Find Second Career in IT
Cyber threats are on the rise, and Canadian business leaders are increasingly concerned they don’t have the ability to deal with an attack against their organization. A recent KPMG survey found that the number of CEOs at large Canadian companies who said they were “well prepared” or “very well prepared” for a cyberattack dropped 17 percentage points […]
Amazon Demonstrates Disabilities Represent Diversity
In Canada, there are 645,00 Canadians with disabilities who can work in an inclusive labour market, but are not currently employed. Chances are, you know someone with a disability – but you may not realize it. Your morning coffee buddy or your team’s project lead could be living with a disability that they haven’t disclosed […]