Great Place to Work has released their 2022 lists, which in total represent the voices of over 500,000 Canadian employees. At the average Canadian workplace, roughly 60% of employees consider where they work to be “great.” However, this figure rises to 90% among the “Best Workplaces in Canada.” There are four categories based on size […]
Thought Leadership
As Tech Work Goes Remote, Will Canada Win or Lose?
Technology was always held up as the thing to release us from the shackles of factory and cubicle life. It didn’t really. The advent of mass-market laptops certainly increased the mobility of a freelancer, but it was ultimately a shift in company culture that made work a more tolerable place to spend time. Turns out […]
Why The 4-day Workweek Pilot Program Will Inspire Entrepreneurship
Canada and the US have jumped on the ship many have longed for since remote work became mainstream–the 4 day work week. The newly introduced pilot program expects employees to cut their work time by 20%, while maintaining 100% productivity and salary. The movement toward a 4-day work week is not new, but the need […]
How to Cultivate a Culture of Resilience and Excellence In the Face of Crisis
Launching a resilient startup is like riding the most terrifying roller-coaster you could ever imagine. Just ask anyone who’s ever tried it. It’s a white-knuckle experience. Now, imagine trying to launch a resilient start-up during the worst global public health crisis in 100 years. It’s a white-knuckle experience on steroids. I know. I’ve been living […]
Flexibility: What Are The Benefits?
This is part one in a three-part series about flexibility in the Canadian workplace. Each year at The Canadian Workplace Culture Index, we conduct research and explore key trends to understand how Canadians’ experiences in the workplace differ. This year we partnered with researchers at UBC to enhance and improve our report. As we prepared […]
The Future of Work: Upward Mobility and the Gig Economy
The unemployment rate in Canada fell from 5.5% in February to 5.3% last month. This was the lowest rate on record since comparable data became available in 1976. The pandemic has drastically changed the Canadian workforce, where more and more people are resigning and reshuffling their priorities, trading in unfulfilling jobs for roles that align […]
How To Thrive In The Data Science Industry
In just two years, we’ve collected and processed nine times the same amount of information than the previous 92,000 years of humankind combined. Data is everywhere, and companies rely on well-trained professionals to process this unprecedented volume of information. Data science workers need various technical capabilities to do their job effectively – including a solid […]
Technologists, Here’s How To Continue Your Journey To Observability With Confidence
The last 12 months have seen organizations in all sectors making huge strides in their journey to full-stack observability. Faced with rising complexity and soaring customer demand for great digital experiences, technologists have urgently looked to build on their existing monitoring capabilities, particularly within cloud native environments. At the same time, they’ve brought together disconnected […]
Canadian Companies Need To Be Less Conservative When Hiring Remote Overseas Talent
One of the positive effects of the pandemic is just how much it accelerated the availability of remote work. Although Canadian companies are now building distributed teams, welcoming talent from across the country, the country is still lagging behind others like the US, UK, the Netherlands, and Singapore who have been benefiting from the cost […]
Opportunities Abound: Join the Toronto Region’s World Class Tech Community
As our fiscal year comes to a close, it’s a great time to reflect on the past year at Toronto Global. Despite the circumstances and challenges faced in the Toronto Region and around the world, we’re proud of the results we have achieved in 2021/22, and throughout the pandemic. Rewind to March 2020; it wasn’t […]