ScaleHR has launched ScaleHR Talks, a virtual event series that focuses on top-of-mind challenges HR leaders in the technology industry face.
Each ScaleHR Talks session will be rooted in research and data and provide participants with the opportunity to collaborate, network and strategize with one another.
To kick the series off, ScaleHR has partnered with Vancouver-founded Tech and People Network (TAP Network) and each virtual event will start by “tapping into data” from TAP’s Bi-Annual Benefits Survey.
Next week they tackle the 4-Day Work Week.
Employees, employers, industry, the media and governments are all weighing in. But what does it really mean to implement a 4 Day work week? What considerations should be made? Is it the right move for your organization?
The session will include virtual breakout rooms where participants will talk about the data, compare it to their own qualitative observations and strategize about what organizations have done to solve challenges.
Sign up now for free to participate on October 4th and while you’re at it, check out TAP’s upcoming Tech Talent North Conference in Toronto on October 18th.