Canada is facing a critical skills gap crisis. Over the next ten years, nine out of 10 jobs will require digital skills. The economy has created a bidding war for talent with these critical skills, increasing the cost and risk of external recruitment. To meet skills demands both now and in the future, business leaders […]
Thought Leadership
Reducing the effects of The Great Resignation on Digital Roles
With many experiencing a rise in their costs of living, long-lasting job dissatisfaction, and changing safety standards, many Canadians are leaving their jobs for other opportunities. This period, beginning early in 2021, has been dubbed “The Great Resignation”. To learn more about how companies have been affected and how they are pivoting to increase employee […]
The Future of Employee Connection – How Businesses Can Combat ‘Quiet Quitting’
Leaders and managers at all levels of business have seen more changes to their roles over the past two years than they did during the last decade. Today leadership has a dual purpose: to drive business growth and invest in their employees’ experience. With eighty one percent of Canadian employees feeling burn out right now, […]
York University Announces Canada’s First Fully Work Integrated Degree in Digital Technologies
The Lassonde School of Engineering at York University is paving the way when it comes to alternative types of learning, focusing on non-traditional avenues that encourage a company to hire candidates based on their future potential and invest in their learning and development. Something that seems quite innovative in Canada is already well established in […]
Canada’s Tech Boom: Fostering Innovation and Organizational Effectiveness Amid Growth
When it comes to Canada’s tech scene, the time is now. Global companies have opened offices throughout Canada, from Toronto to Vancouver, and innovation is thriving—even in the wake of a global pandemic and whispers of the word “recession.” Canada hasn’t always been seen as a leader in the tech world, but I believe times […]
Education System Should Never Be One-size-fits-all
Over the last 100 years, there has been incremental innovation in education systems across the world. We’ve swapped out blackboards for whiteboards, but not much has changed besides, and the one-size-fits-all system is failing students. Globally, schools understand they need to adapt to the 21st century and to expose students to future career possibilities, while […]
The New Face Of The Hybrid Workplace
The hybrid workplace has become a leading discussion point across a broad spectrum of companies. In fact, Gartner predicts that 40% of organizations will offer a blend of virtual and physical work experiences by the end of 2023. Tech companies and startups were among the leaders in adapting to remote work and collaborative business models […]
Tech Layoffs Are Coming: How To Stay On The Right Side Of Lay-offs
For the last few years, employment within the tech industry has boomed. There have been jobs for everyone at almost every level. Whether in-house or working from home. But times are changing. With the economy shrinking and Canada on the verge of another recession, we’re potentially approaching the end of the boom. Jobseekers will face […]
The Secret to Gen Z Recruitment and Retention
Gen Z graduates are in the driver’s seat when it comes to recruitment and retention. The talent pool is barely sufficient to fill the growing number of job postings in the tech realm. For startups and established firms on expansion paths, the competition has become fierce. Whereas a competitive salary offering and benefits package along […]
7 Options for Skilled Foreign Workers Recently Laid Off in Canada
Several tech-driven firms in Canada recently laid off a sizeable percentage of their workforce. These deep staff cuts may have affected many skilled foreign workers, both tech and non-tech, who had their work permit status in Canada tied to their employers. The situation with foreign workers is more peculiar compared to those who are Canadian […]