What makes Calgary attractive to young people and skilled talent?
Calgary Economic Development is hosting New Economy LIVE: Competing for young talent – How Calgary ranks in the minds of youth on Tuesday, June 28th.
Find out how Calgary ranks in the minds of youth with results from the latest research conducted for Calgary Economic Development.
Join the conversation on how Calgary can influence perceptions to be known as the place where bright minds and big ideas come together with an unmatched spirit to help solve global challenges – the vision of the economic strategy, Calgary in the New Economy.
The event begins with a presentation on Calgary’s greatest opportunities, followed by a panel discussion with local community and industry leaders as well as youth voices on how to stand out in the global competition for talent. Speakers to be announced soon.
New Economy LIVE: Competing for young talent – How Calgary ranks in the minds of youth will be streamed virtually on Zoom from 11am – 12:30pm on Tuesday, June 28th.